
Can Diarrhea Cause Weight Loss? – Dr. Kailash Mishra

Can Diarrhea Cause Weight Loss? Yes, diarrhoea can cause a loss of weight. This is because most times, when diarrhoea hits, the body loses a lot of fluids, nutrients, and calories during those bouts, which can have other effects on one's body health in the long term. Fluid Loss: Diarrhea presents a loss of much water by the body in a...

What is the Main Cause of Diarrhea?

What is Diarrhea? Diarrhea is loose, watery stools more often than normal. It's your body's way of defending itself by getting rid of something that's bothering your digestive tract. Common, though not serious, it could be averagely uncomfortable and can also get very serious when it has lasted for some time or results in dehydration. If diarrhea persists for more than a...

What is Diarrhea, Symptoms, Causes, Treatment & More

What is Diarrhea Diarrhea is a common digestive problem characterized by loose, watery stools occurring more frequently than usual. It can be caused by various factors, including viral or bacterial infections, food poisoning, consumption of contaminated food or water, and certain medications. Diarrhea can also be accompanied by abdominal cramps, bloating, and dehydration. Most cases of diarrhea resolve on their own...