What is Intestinal Gas?, Causes, Symptoms & More

What is Intestinal Gas?, Causes, Symptoms & More

What is Intestinal Gas?

Intestinal gas, more commonly known as flatulence, is created in the digestive process. It basically consists of nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, and small amounts of other gases, such as methane and hydrogen, that are byproducts of digestion and breakdown of certain substances in the stomach and intestines.

While all people have intestinal gas at one point or another, excessive or uncomfortable bloating and gas can indicate disorders of digestion or food intolerance. Understanding the causes and symptoms of intestinal gas allows for its management and relief.

What is Intestinal Gas?, Causes, Symptoms & More

How Does Intestinal Gas Form?

Intestinal gas is formed when the food is broken down during its digestion, especially in the colon. As food moves through the digestive tract, it is broken down by enzymes, bacteria, and other microorganisms.

Some foods, especially those containing fiber, carbohydrates, or sugars, may be difficult to digest. As these foods reach the large intestine, bacteria ferment them, releasing gas as a by-product.

The volume and type of the produced gas depends on what is consumed and how healthy a person’s digestion is. This is perfectly natural; for some, however, this may be experienced as bloating or discomfort.

Common Causes of Intestinal Gas

There are numerous common causes of intestinal gas, which may range from foods ingested to underlying digestive conditions. Those foods with a high, complex content of fiber are infamous for their breaking down with difficulty in the stomach and small intestine.

Dairy products also pose a problem for those who, due to lactose intolerance or similar conditions, are unable to break down lactose – one type of sugar found naturally in milk – efficiently.

Then there is just gas from swallowing air – so easy to do when simply chewing gum or drinking things like carbonated beverages. Many causes are more serious, for instance IBS, Gluten Disease and gastrointestinal problems that can cause excessive gas building and bloating.

Symptoms of Intestinal Gas

Intestinal gas mainly brings on symptoms of bloating or abdominal discomfort. An individual also undergoes excessive burping or possibly flatus-the release of the buildup of gas from the alimentary canal through the anal canal.

Sometimes, such manifestations could even cause cramps or a feeling of tightness. Whereas a moderate production of gas is considered a natural phenomenon, frequent or burdensome gas may point at something more serious.

If you have persistent bloating, severe cramping, or other unusual symptoms, you should consult a healthcare provider to rule out serious conditions.


However, it is worth consulting a health care provider to rule out a serious health problem if one has persistent or uncomfortable gas. Understanding how and why intestinal gas is created and symptomatically managed allows one to better alleviate potentially troublesome problems that can compromise the quality of a healthy digestive lifestyle.

Dr. Kailash Mishra
Director & Gastroenterologist Consultant
Prime Gastro Liver Clinic

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