Causes of Excessive Gas in Females
Causes of Excessive Gas in Females
There are a range of causes that you can relate to when it comes to finding the root cause of gas issues in females. While there can be a lot of ways in which this issue can be diagnosed here are some of the probable cases that might be responsible for causing gas in females:
Diet and Food Choices
Excessive gas in females, according to statistics, is mainly caused by their diet. There are some foods consumed by people that produce more than the normal gas in digestion. Thus, this will be too much gas for a female’s stomach, being regarded by the digestive system as prolonged in its digestion. Foods such as beans, lentils, broccoli, and cabbage, all with high contents of fibre, will cause gas in most females.
Excessive gas can also occur in females who swallow air several times. This occurs more so when eating or drinking fast, chewing gum, and smoking. Air that has been ingested is pushed downwards and fills the stomach, causing bloating and gas.
Gastrointestinal disorders
Some digestive disturbances may cause too much gas in women. Conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome, lactose intolerance, and celiac disease are the sorts of things that make it difficult for the body to digest certain foods properly. This leads to gas production in abnormally increased amounts.
Hormonal Changes
Hormonal changes through the menstrual cycle can contribute to making females gassy. Most females feel bloated during their menstrual period easily boosts the production of gas. Hormonal fluctuations may have an effect on the digestive system where it slows down the digestion and more gas is built up.
Tension and Anxiety
Digestive processes can also sometimes be overridden by stress and anxiety and in turn produce more gas than might be normal. A slowed and irregular digestive process because of stress enables gas to accumulate when a person becomes stressed. Stress also makes one swallow air too often, further aggravating the gas problem.
Drugs and Supplements
Some drugs and even food supplements can cause an increase in gas to unnatural quantities as a side effect. For instance, antibiotics alter the balance of bacteria in the gut, leading to more gas. In some women, iron supplements cause bloating and gas.
Females have excessive gas because of dietary reasons; air swallowing; and finally, some digestive disorders, such as hormonal changes and stressors, which could be due to some medications. In general, the above-mentioned causes do provide a way to manage or reduce gas symptoms.
Dr. Kailash Mishra
Director & Gastroenterologist Consultant
Prime Gastro Liver Clinic
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